Tour de Cure Minnesota 2024, Event Recap

I love riding my bike. No two ways about it. Being on my bike is the purest form of joy and delight I can imagine. I’ve written a few blogs about the deep contentment I feel when I’m pedaling in perfect circles coasting on the pavement past the beautiful green trees and the pure blue … Read more

Birthday Joy & Quick Cancer Update

Happy month of May! I hope you’re enjoying the seasons wherever you are on Planet Earth. I sure am enjoying the pops of so many amazing colors as the trees unfurl their brilliant green leaves and the tulips and lilacs splash their reds, purples, yellows, oranges and so many shades of amazing colors as the … Read more

Vulvovaginal health for women in menopause, athletes included

TRIGGER WARNING: I’m going to talk about topics that some may find uncomfortable. Namely, I’m going to discuss female genital health. Buckle your seat belts, things are about to get personal.  I already tend to be personal in these blog posts, and along those lines I’m going to address an issue that has come up … Read more

3 ways to Support Extreme Healing

We made it!  I’ve written about it before, the holiday season isn’t pure joy for many, me included. It often feels like a challenge to me to be able to make it through. I’m estranged from most of my family and for many years now, I spend none of the holidays with my biological family. … Read more

Running in the cold & surviving a dip into the red zone

Last Saturday, the weather said “feels like 5 degrees” Fahrenheit, and the weather app mentioned a “wind advisory.” Did that stop me from bundling up and meeting my Run Minnesota Polar Bear run group at 8 am to run 10 miles? Sure didn’t!  Run gear for the cold I followed the run gear chart that … Read more

Open your heart

I’m wearing the ZIO XT heart monitor for the week and yesterday at the Chocoholic Frolic 10K, I left my newly discovered run-walk-run method of 45 seconds running, 15 seconds walking, in the dust. I ran with effort for more than 35 minutes without walking. Mile 1, I did in 11:14. Mile 2, I did … Read more

Happy September and 3 updates

Hello everyone who happens upon this blog! I have really missed writing a weekly blog. Life is often that way, we don’t know what’s important until the thing is gone. I realized in not writing these posts the past few weeks that the connection I feel to this community, to YOU, is something I deeply … Read more