Extreme Healing 6 Step System

Two of my author colleagues in one of the author accountability groups I attend have been talking about their “systems” that they developed as a result of writing their books. I’ve been listening to them talk about these systems for several months and wondering to myself if I have a system to go with my … Read more

Tour de Cure Minnesota 2024, Event Recap

I love riding my bike. No two ways about it. Being on my bike is the purest form of joy and delight I can imagine. I’ve written a few blogs about the deep contentment I feel when I’m pedaling in perfect circles coasting on the pavement past the beautiful green trees and the pure blue … Read more

Race Report – Women Run The Cities: 3 Challenges

In 2023, I participated in ten races. Eight running races and two triathlons. On Saturday, May 18th, I participated in my first race of 2024. The race is called Women Run The Cities and it’s put on by Twin Cities In Motion. I ran the 10-mile race. Before the race started, I met up with … Read more

Birthday Joy & Quick Cancer Update

Happy month of May! I hope you’re enjoying the seasons wherever you are on Planet Earth. I sure am enjoying the pops of so many amazing colors as the trees unfurl their brilliant green leaves and the tulips and lilacs splash their reds, purples, yellows, oranges and so many shades of amazing colors as the … Read more

Gratitude & Appreciation

I’m writing this post on American Thanksgiving 2023. To kick off the day I ran my tenth, as in every single year they’ve had the race, even during the pandemic when it was virtual, St Paul Turkey Trot. Today I ran the 10K. They have a 6K option too.  I ran it with Jenny, Katie, … Read more

Extreme Healing: Reclaim Your Life + Learn to Love Your Body is coming

After twelve long years, I am happy to report that a dream of mine is about to become a reality. The book I’ve been writing, re-writing, revising and crafting is finally ready to get into your hands.  Extreme Healing: Reclaim Your Life +Learn to Love Your Body is on Kindle pre-order right now. Very soon … Read more

Last big race of 2023 before the biopsy

Sunday, October 1st, is the Twin Cities 10-Mile Race. It’s the same day at the Twin Cities Marathon, we start about an hour earlier than the marathoners, and we run the last 10 miles of the marathon route. It’s my last long race of the year. It hit me hard, mostly in a good way, … Read more

Marathon Strength Training

Hello! How are you doing? I prefer blogging every week and it’s been five weeks since my last blog. I left you hanging and my apologies about that.  Bruised tibia update Turns out my knee is just fine. In fact the orthopedic surgeon I saw x-rayed my knees, and he said I have the knees … Read more