NEWS FLASH: Extreme Healing won an award

Extreme Healing, published by Mandala Tree Press, got an award!  The award is called the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award in the category of Health & Fitness.  I find out on Friday, April 26th, 2024 if my book Extreme Healing: Reclaim Your Life + Learn to Love Your Body makes it to the Gold level. For … Read more

3 ways to Support Extreme Healing

We made it!  I’ve written about it before, the holiday season isn’t pure joy for many, me included. It often feels like a challenge to me to be able to make it through. I’m estranged from most of my family and for many years now, I spend none of the holidays with my biological family. … Read more

Extreme Healing hits #1 on Amazon

There are moments in life that stun. Last Friday, I experienced one of those moments.  My publishing team has been teaching me for the past year how to launch and market a new book. I’ve been taking notes and paying attention. That said, until it happens, you never really know if it will work.  On … Read more

Extreme Healing: Reclaim Your Life + Learn to Love Your Body is coming

After twelve long years, I am happy to report that a dream of mine is about to become a reality. The book I’ve been writing, re-writing, revising and crafting is finally ready to get into your hands.  Extreme Healing: Reclaim Your Life +Learn to Love Your Body is on Kindle pre-order right now. Very soon … Read more

Happy September and 3 updates

Hello everyone who happens upon this blog! I have really missed writing a weekly blog. Life is often that way, we don’t know what’s important until the thing is gone. I realized in not writing these posts the past few weeks that the connection I feel to this community, to YOU, is something I deeply … Read more