Birthday Joy & Quick Cancer Update

Happy month of May! I hope you’re enjoying the seasons wherever you are on Planet Earth. I sure am enjoying the pops of so many amazing colors as the trees unfurl their brilliant green leaves and the tulips and lilacs splash their reds, purples, yellows, oranges and so many shades of amazing colors as the … Read more

Vulvovaginal health for women in menopause, athletes included

TRIGGER WARNING: I’m going to talk about topics that some may find uncomfortable. Namely, I’m going to discuss female genital health. Buckle your seat belts, things are about to get personal.  I already tend to be personal in these blog posts, and along those lines I’m going to address an issue that has come up … Read more

Healing Ritual

Right before the pandemic, I attended a writing workshop with Jeff Goins called Tribe. It was in Nashville, Tennessee. I didn’t know anyone attending, but I wanted to attend because I really wanted to finish my book and I was searching for support for how to make that happen.  I connected with a few amazing … Read more

Extreme Healing hits #1 on Amazon

There are moments in life that stun. Last Friday, I experienced one of those moments.  My publishing team has been teaching me for the past year how to launch and market a new book. I’ve been taking notes and paying attention. That said, until it happens, you never really know if it will work.  On … Read more

Love a tattoo artist this month, please

Breast Cancer Awareness Month has arrived in one of the weirdest years ever. We are still in a worldwide pandemic and it’s not safe to gather in groups. This is the first year since 2013 that I have not spent most of the year and the month of October organizing Personal Ink Tattoo Day.  Like … Read more

Successful healing breast cancer transformation happened for 18 women

It’s the day after October 20th, my 15th cancerversary, as I write this post. Yes, I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time on October 20th, 2004. I’m still alive and I’m still working to help women transform their lives after going through a mastectomy. After all I have survived, I am profoundly … Read more