Tour de Cure Minnesota 2024, Event Recap

I love riding my bike. No two ways about it. Being on my bike is the purest form of joy and delight I can imagine. I’ve written a few blogs about the deep contentment I feel when I’m pedaling in perfect circles coasting on the pavement past the beautiful green trees and the pure blue … Read more

Vulvovaginal health for women in menopause, athletes included

TRIGGER WARNING: I’m going to talk about topics that some may find uncomfortable. Namely, I’m going to discuss female genital health. Buckle your seat belts, things are about to get personal.  I already tend to be personal in these blog posts, and along those lines I’m going to address an issue that has come up … Read more

Tour de Cure Minnesota 2022

This morning I felt the wind at my back and I had a smile on my face as I rode the 25 mile Tour de Cure Minnesota route. I rode my bike to and from the ride, which added an additional 10 miles to the sunshine joy I made happen today.  Favorite bike ride This … Read more

Biking for diabetes awareness once again

My athletic effort this year has been all about running. Feet pounding the pavement, making sure the hydration, nutrition, clothing choices are all dialed in, meeting new people, long runs every Saturday, intervals/hills and threshold runs to test the limits – all have been the focus. I notice the mantras have had to rise to … Read more

Two tasty recipes for plant-based athletes

I’ve mentioned over and over again that 2022 is all about writing, running and finances. On Facebook and Instagram, I seem to only post about my running. I’ve gotten focused.  The thing is, I still LOVE LOVE LOVE cycling the very best. I’ve missed riding my bike. I plan to ride in the Tour de … Read more

Race Plan and Race Report for the Lake Minnetonka Sprint Triathlon

I love triathlon. No two ways about it, I fell in love way back at my first ever triathlon, the Danskin, that I did in 2005, a week after I finished radiation treatment for my first round of breast cancer. I knew I had found the sport for me. It captured my imagination.  Triathlon love … Read more

Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2021 #TourTurns30

#TourTurns30 This year, 2021, the Tour de Cure, a major fundraising event for the American Diabetes Association, turns 30. That means that people have been riding their bikes, and some years, running and walking, for their health and to raise money for the American Diabetes Association.  Due in part to this global pandemic and partly … Read more

Lean muscle mass and excellent health

Muscles matter for effective insulin absorption. This sounds obvious, but I’ve often wondered what this means in concrete actionable terms. A few years ago, my brother, who, like me, has type 1 diabetes, mentioned that he intentionally lifted weights with a friend of his and that it resulted in better diabetes control. I confess, it … Read more

Virtual Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2020

The morning of Saturday, June 6th, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN dawned sunny and beautiful. I walked to the local Farmers Market and got some lettuce, kale and radishes. Then I came home and packed up my 4 water bottles, my riding nutrition which included Skratch Labs and a few other random carbs in case of … Read more