Tour de Cure Minnesota 2024, Event Recap

I love riding my bike. No two ways about it. Being on my bike is the purest form of joy and delight I can imagine. I’ve written a few blogs about the deep contentment I feel when I’m pedaling in perfect circles coasting on the pavement past the beautiful green trees and the pure blue … Read more

Tour de Cure Minnesota 2022

This morning I felt the wind at my back and I had a smile on my face as I rode the 25 mile Tour de Cure Minnesota route. I rode my bike to and from the ride, which added an additional 10 miles to the sunshine joy I made happen today.  Favorite bike ride This … Read more

End of the Year Reflection Questions & Vision Board for 2022

Celebrating the end of a year is something I love to do. I’m sending this post out into the world on the very last day of 2021. When it publishes, I will be out running 5 or 6 miles with a group of friends. Good chance I will be wearing my DueNorth Everyday G3 Ice … Read more

Virtual Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2020

The morning of Saturday, June 6th, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN dawned sunny and beautiful. I walked to the local Farmers Market and got some lettuce, kale and radishes. Then I came home and packed up my 4 water bottles, my riding nutrition which included Skratch Labs and a few other random carbs in case of … Read more

Tour de Cure Twin Cities, recap by one Red Rider

Last Saturday, June 1st, 2019, I rode 46 miles on my bike as part of the Tour de Cure Twin Cities. It was a beautiful, sunny, perfect weather sort of day. Doing the ride was a bit of an athletic stretch for me because I really haven’t done much training this spring. The longest I … Read more

Back in the saddle…cycling training starts NOW!

I made a vow that I would officially start cycling training again by March 1st. And that’s today, so here I am! I got my bike set up last weekend. No small feat, as I had to change out the rear tire and wipe the entire bike off, yes it was covered in dust!! Plus … Read more

Tour de Cure, and why I invite you to read this blog!!

It is official, I’ve started training for the 62 mile bike ride I will do at the Tour de Cure Twin Cities on June 2nd, 2018. Toward that end, whenever I start a new training program, it feels like a good time to start a lot of things. Toward that end, I’m now taking an … Read more

100 miles on the bike with #diabetes! Success!

Two weeks ago today, on June 3rd, I successfully rode 107 miles on my bicycle at the Tour de Cure Twin Cities!! Because of the 80 mile ride I successfully did on my birthday on May 12th, I had excellent confidence that I could do the ride. Much of endurance exercise is mental confidence and … Read more

Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2016: Cycling, Walking & Smiling to #STOPDIABETES

Me & my boot sending off Red Riders!
Me & my boot sending off Red Riders!

Saturday, June 4th was intended to be the day that I rode my bike 100 miles alongside a few of my friends at the Tour de Cure Twin Cities. I’d trained for 16 weeks and then, when I was out walking my dog as I explained in my last blog; I fell and broke my ankle. No bike ride for me on June 4th, not with my leg in the air boot.

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