Tour de Cure Minnesota 2024, Event Recap

I love riding my bike. No two ways about it. Being on my bike is the purest form of joy and delight I can imagine. I’ve written a few blogs about the deep contentment I feel when I’m pedaling in perfect circles coasting on the pavement past the beautiful green trees and the pure blue … Read more

Tour de Cure Minnesota 2022

This morning I felt the wind at my back and I had a smile on my face as I rode the 25 mile Tour de Cure Minnesota route. I rode my bike to and from the ride, which added an additional 10 miles to the sunshine joy I made happen today.  Favorite bike ride This … Read more

Biking for diabetes awareness once again

My athletic effort this year has been all about running. Feet pounding the pavement, making sure the hydration, nutrition, clothing choices are all dialed in, meeting new people, long runs every Saturday, intervals/hills and threshold runs to test the limits – all have been the focus. I notice the mantras have had to rise to … Read more

Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2021 #TourTurns30

#TourTurns30 This year, 2021, the Tour de Cure, a major fundraising event for the American Diabetes Association, turns 30. That means that people have been riding their bikes, and some years, running and walking, for their health and to raise money for the American Diabetes Association.  Due in part to this global pandemic and partly … Read more

Personal Ink Tattoo Day coming again to Minneapolis in 2019!

Do you like to volunteer? I’ve noticed that I tend to make close friendships with people who enjoy volunteering. I was assessing my current volunteering efforts, and I realized that one of my current all-time favorite volunteering efforts is with Personal Ink, Tattoo Day MSP. Personal Ink is a program of FCancer (let’sFcancer) that … Read more

Tour de Cure Twin Cities, recap by one Red Rider

Last Saturday, June 1st, 2019, I rode 46 miles on my bike as part of the Tour de Cure Twin Cities. It was a beautiful, sunny, perfect weather sort of day. Doing the ride was a bit of an athletic stretch for me because I really haven’t done much training this spring. The longest I … Read more

3 Surefire Tactics for Fundraising for Your Athletic Charity Event

Are you like me and do you sign up to do at least one athletic charity fundraising event every year? As someone who lives with diabetes every single day, and as a two time cancer survivor, there are LOTS of athletic charity events I could do! In the spirit of not overwhelming my friends year … Read more