Diabetes Life Hacks, Find Experts

The Diabetes Blog Week theme for today is Diabetes Life Hacks, and the topic we are to write about are the tips and tricks that help me in my day-to-day management of diabetes. And it’s interesting, despite the fact that my brother refers to me as the one he calls when he has a diabetes … Read more

Mantras and More

Today for Diabetes Blog Week the topic is one of my favorites, Mantras and More. I like mantras! As an athlete, I use mantras all the time. In training and in a race or big event, mental challenges come in all the time. In the moment they don’t always seem just mental, they can be … Read more

What Brings Me Down, The Emotions of Diabetes

May is Mental Health Month and there are lots of emotions with having a chronic health condition. This is Day 3 of Diabetes Blog Week and we are asked to write about the emotions we experience as we deal with the daily reality of diabetes. It’s interesting, I have very few negative emotions connected to … Read more

Change the World, Learn About Your Health!

Today is my 49th birthday, a perfect day to kick off Diabetes Blog Week! I’m also coming up on my 33rd year of living with type 1 diabetes, and the theme for today, the first day of Diabetes Blog week, is, “What are the diabetes causes and issues that really fire you up?” In the … Read more

Young & T1, Canadian style!

I had the privilege and honor of going to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada this past weekend for a wonderful conference put on by a newer organization for people ages 18 to 30 who have type 1 diabetes. The organization is called Young and T1 and was founded and is led by two amazing, energetic t1’s, … Read more