Exercise accountability and celebration when gyms aren’t very safe

I like lifting weights. I don’t love it, but I do like it. What about you? What’s your relationship to lifting weights?  My friend Linda Brandt is a weight lifting wonder. She’s a tiny powerhouse who can lift BIG weight. She regularly surprises people she encounters at the local YWCA with how much weight she … Read more

Managing loneliness during this never ending pandemic

I notice my loneliness more now than maybe I ever have. Can you relate? Granted, I remember I went through a big loneliness phase in my mid 20’s, when I first started remembering my childhood sexual abuse and needed space from my family. With lots of therapy and intentional friends connecting, I made it through … Read more

Virtual Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2020

The morning of Saturday, June 6th, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN dawned sunny and beautiful. I walked to the local Farmers Market and got some lettuce, kale and radishes. Then I came home and packed up my 4 water bottles, my riding nutrition which included Skratch Labs and a few other random carbs in case of … Read more

Art for peace and centeredness

When I was 28 and a high school Spanish teacher at Harbor High School in Santa Cruz, California I had a good friend Larry who was also a teacher at Harbor. Larry ran a support group for students at the school who needed connection. I made a poster for him to show my gratitude for … Read more