Getting Old and the Will to Exercise, Diabetes or Not.

A few days ago, a friend of mine who is the same age as I am, posted on Facebook how getting older is so hard, in part because she’s on Weight Watchers because she wants to lose some weight. She made the comment that eating watermelon isn’t as good as eating donuts. She also mentioned … Read more

98 Mile Bike Ride with Type 1 Diabetes

I did it! I drove down to Iowa and spoke at their Champion’s Dinner on my 33rd Diaversary and then I got enough sleep and got all my nutrition and gear ready and I woke up nice and early, and all of my 18 weeks of training paid off!! I rode 98 miles on Saturday, … Read more

100 Mile Bike Ride, Here I Come!

Yesterday was my 33rd Diaversary. Meaning that on June 26, 1981, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. And yesterday, I was here in Coralville, Iowa at the Corridor Classic Tour de Cure Champions Dinner. I was speaking to the amazing group gathered at the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort about how I started the … Read more

Bikes and Bodies Crash and Friends Rise to Connect

On Wednesday, May 21, 2014, I decided to go on a bike ride. I dressed in my TeamWILD cycling kit, got on my cycling shoes and my awesome Rudy Project helmet and sunglasses and out I went on my fabulous Raleigh Militis 2 carbon fiber bike. I got about 2 miles from my house, I … Read more

Power Pose for Inner Confidence

I was in San Diego attending the Aligning Forces for Quality, Improving Health and Health Care in Communities Across America, National Conference a few weeks ago. One of the sessions I attended was by Denise Graveline of don’t get caught. She taught a 90 minute workshop called How To Give A Killer Presentation. It was … Read more

Snapshots of Diabetes

Today the theme for Diabetes Blog Week is Saturday Snapshops, pictures of what diabetes looks like. To help create a visual image of what it’s like to live as a person with diabetes. A fellow diabetes writer, Riva Greenburg, wrote an awesome piece in the Huffington Post a few months back about what it’s like … Read more

Diabetes Life Hacks, Find Experts

The Diabetes Blog Week theme for today is Diabetes Life Hacks, and the topic we are to write about are the tips and tricks that help me in my day-to-day management of diabetes. And it’s interesting, despite the fact that my brother refers to me as the one he calls when he has a diabetes … Read more