Tour de Cure Twin Cities 2016: Cycling, Walking & Smiling to #STOPDIABETES

Me & my boot sending off Red Riders!
Me & my boot sending off Red Riders!

Saturday, June 4th was intended to be the day that I rode my bike 100 miles alongside a few of my friends at the Tour de Cure Twin Cities. I’d trained for 16 weeks and then, when I was out walking my dog as I explained in my last blog; I fell and broke my ankle. No bike ride for me on June 4th, not with my leg in the air boot.

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Broken Bones, Diabetes and Cycling

<--- BreakOn Monday, May 16th I was walking my dear dog Echo. We were on a perfectly flat sidewalk. The weather was perfect. Echo was not pulling. I was wearing new boots that I had never walked very far in before. These boots have rubber soles. I think what happened is the rubber caught on the cement of the sidewalk, and caused me to trip and wobble. So badly, I fell hard to my left. As I fell, I relaxed as I learned years ago from my cycling coach. Nonetheless, as I hit the ground I heard a very loud snap.

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Injury, Sports Interruption and Recovery. Diabetes & all.

No doubt about it, if you get an injury and your movement and mobility are hampered, it sucks. Big time. Has it ever happened to you? Much to my chagrin, I’ve suffered a few injuries in recent years that have impacted my endurance sport abilities. Injury Number 1: my right shoulder. Initially it was suspected … Read more

One Happy Taste Agent for Skratch Labs!

Allen Lim & Mari RuddyI’m training for a big bike ride, 100-miles, that will be on June 4th, 2016. It’s the Tour de Cure Twin Cities. I’ve had type 1 diabetes for almost 35 years and I’ve worn an insulin pump for about 22 years. I’ve been wearing a Dexcom continuous glucose monitor (cgm) for just about two years non-stop. (I love it!)

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