Vision Board Magic for 2019

Vision Boards speak to the non-verbal part of me, which is why, despite my #1 Love Language being words, I love making Vision Boards. I like speaking to the parts of myself that respond powerfully to images and color. Plus, I love gathering with a group of people annually to make my vision board. I … Read more

Navigating ambiguous loss and estrangement during the holiday season

I work at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and every time I log in to our electronic system, I see notices about things happening on the various campuses. A few weeks ago I saw a notice about a training on Ambiguous Loss by Pauline Boss, PhD. I was curious, as the word ambiguous feels … Read more

Self-Care in times of stress and overwhelm

After living with diabetes for 36.5 years and after surviving breast cancer twice, I’ve come to prioritize self-care. What is self-care you ask? Well, in my world it means that I pay attention to the basic things I need to stay healthy, fit, calm, centered and productive. It means that I make it my Number … Read more