Water is life

Do you love water? I do. I hope you love water too!!! Our bodies and this planet are made up mostly of beautiful water.

I love water so much that I’m blogging about it. Let’s back up a moment.

The other day, I was at the hand therapist. I go because I had my second and third trigger finger operation on December 31st and my fingers are still stiff and in need of attention. We are mostly working on my left hand, as I’m almost 100% on my right hand which I had operated on in October.

Kim, my hand therapist from Twin Cities Orthopedic, happens to be the Head Coach of the high school girl’s hockey team at East Ridge High School in Woodbury, MN. Her team just won a big game, and they are going to play in the 2019 MN State Girls High School Hockey Tournament for the AA division! SO EXCITING!

As Kim was working on my hand, I asked her why as we age the hands and various joints and tissues all over the body get creaky. That led us to talking about hydration, especially as we get older. Do you know how important it is to stay adequately hydrated?

Of course, like me you’ve been told over and over and over again to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. The question is DO YOU? Do you drink at least that much?

Water Obsession

I confess, I’m obsessed with drinking enough water. I feel lucky in that I actually like plain old water. Well, I do have an occasional can of Zevia soda, which has zero carbs and zero weird chemicals, as the sweetener is stevia, which is okay for the brain and body. I just like water. Once in a while I do spruce up my water with various fruits like lemon or strawberries or even cucumbers. I have a couple of water bottles that have infusers in the middle for the various fruits. Makes it easy and fun. I have one of these:

Like me, do you remember being told a long time ago that type 1 diabetes is a situation of being chronically dehydrated? That made sense to me. With fluctuating blood sugars, the kidneys have to work overtime at times to flush out the excess glucose in the system. And kidneys need water. It’s why every time I go above a 200 mg/dL blood sugar, I make an extra effort to drink even more water, to help my body out.

I’m not very good at sweating, but in the hot, humid Minnesota summers, I thankfully do sweat! That means I pay attention not only to how much water I’m drinking on a long bike ride or run, but I additionally make sure I put an electrolyte tablet in my water bottle. My favorites are Nuun tablets. They have no carbohydrates! YES!

Finally, to get you fired up about your hydration, I found this excellent, informative, motivating video for you. It’s 10 minutes long, and worth every minute! Your hydration depends on it.

And please, do let me know, Do you stay hydrated!??

4 thoughts on “Water is life”

  1. Yay! It’s Friday! As soon as I opened my email, I was excited to see your post!

    I too love water. I have 2 bottles I particularly like. I keep one beside my bed and make sure I drink whatever is left in in the morning. I don’t drink much besides water except for my coffee. My favorite cup for water is of locally made pottery. And of course, I usually end up drinking at least 2 bottles during a workout.

    • Cathy,
      You made my day when I saw your wonderful comment!!! I love it that you too love water and that you have a few favorite water bottles!

  2. I drink about a gallon a day!
    I didn’t start out drinking that much, but I made a commitment to drink more water, and each week I made an effort to drink just a little more.
    I found a BPA-free 3 Liter wate rbottle on Amazon that I take everywhere with me!
    It really helps with my BGs, too.

    • Hello Rita!
      That’s some serious water drinking! Way to go!! I agree, water helps SO MUCH with good blood sugar control. You’ve inspired me to go get another full glass of water!!

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