Extreme Healing, published by Mandala Tree Press, got an award!

The award is called the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award in the category of Health & Fitness.
I find out on Friday, April 26th, 2024 if my book Extreme Healing: Reclaim Your Life + Learn to Love Your Body makes it to the Gold level. For sure, we made it to the Silver level, which is amazing and very exciting.
The award is for my book, and it’s also about and for Mandala Tree Press, as we worked collaboratively on all the editing and the book cover design. I’m profoundly grateful for the precise attention and outstanding editing and design provided by the Mandala Tree Press group.
IBPA stands for Independent Book Publishing Association, and the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards are regarded as one of the highest national honors in independent publishing.
When Azul and Steve, my publishers, told me about this award in the Author Who Lead group last week, my first reaction was profound gratitude and amazement. Tears came to my eyes. I was so surprised, I had a hard time opening my heart to let it in. It’s very difficult for me to allow praise into my heart. Can you relate? Many of us have difficulty with this.
Instead, I immediately deflected the praise. Much easier to have the praise be about Azul and Steve as it’s a publishing award, not really about, or for, the author of the book.
The Gold decision is made at the awards banquet which this year will be held in downtown Denver, Colorado. As many of you know, I am very careful with my finances. I make under $55,000 a year, even with all my side gigs and my 75% job at the U of MN, and as a single person who has A LOT of medical expenses, that’s not a lot of money. Spending close to $850 to travel for a weekend from Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota to Denver, Colorado at the end of this month was not in my budget.
Plus, I’m signed up for a half marathon on Saturday, April 27th, which if I go to Denver, I will miss.
Energy Healing
Later in the day, after learning about the award, I spiraled downward, into complete confusion, overwhelm and sadness. My whole body ached at the not knowing if I should go or not. I was questioning my worth and worthiness in being nominated for this award. I felt shame all over my body for not having enough money on hand to just go.
IBPA received 1824 entries this year, making this its second-best year in terms of the number of entries received in the award’s 36 year history. At the awards ceremony in Denver this April 26, 171 books and audiobooks will be announced as Gold or Silver winners in 57 categories.
My difficulty in opening to compliments and recognition goes back to the wounds of my childhood. I thought I had healed from these wounds, but apparently not all the way.
The next day, after learning about the award, I had an energy healing session with Juhl Jaxson, the Energy Renovator, that I had won. Turns out it was perfect timing.
In the session, what came through is that one of my biggest tasks at this moment in time is to learn again and in my soul how to receive. To notice what flows and what comes with ease. To notice and allow generosity to be present. To breathe into that.
Juhl and I agreed that me going or not going to Denver for the award banquet didn’t really matter, what mattered was to notice what happened and to allow it, whichever way it was. To also ask my Guides and Angels to show up and help me make the decision.
In addition, Juhl and I did some deep healing around my past karma contracts about being in poverty. It was amazing.
That weekend, my Athlete5 friendship circle came over to my apartment for a dinner gathering. These four women helped me survive the worst of the pandemic, and we are the five who go on various vacations together and meet up year round to exercise together. They are the foundation five who are helping me navigate this third round of cancer.
At the dinner, they asked me more about this award banquet. They asked incredibly helpful questions, and one of them offered to fly to Denver with me! They affirmed that me going to the dinner was valuable and that I was worth celebrating.
A few times, I had to take a deep breath and let in all the love they were reminding me was all around me. I feel so blessed that Jenny, Marie, Nadine and Monica are in my life.
Miracles and Magic
As it turns out, I am going to Denver!
Without asking, a writer friend and colleague offered to pay for the flight. A runner friend got me an amazing hotel deal. My friend who lives in Denver easily agreed to come to the banquet with me so I would have a companion alongside me. Another runner friend offered to drive me to the airport. A long-time friend agreed to take care of Sam, my dog, while I’m gone. I found out that I can change my Get In Gear Half Marathon entry to a virtual entry, so I can still get the race shirt AND run the distance. The fourth year for me doing this particular race. I will run 13.1 miles the week before the actual race.
All of this happened with ease and speed and profound smoothness. My Guides, Angels and incredible friends are all looking out for me.
I realized that NOT going would cause me a lot of regret. That was a big clue that attending is something very worth doing.
Thank you for being a reader of this blog and newsletter!
I will let you know how it all goes!
With love and appreciation!
Thanks Paul!!! See you on a bike ride soon!!