Vision boarding is a tool I use every year to help me reflect on the previous year, let go of any regrets or goals I didn’t achieve in the previous year, and best of all, ramp up for what I intend to accomplish in the coming year.

Spending time over winter break gives me concentrated time to reflect, envision, and spend time cutting and pasting to craft a lovely board that I will look at nearly every day of the coming year.
I put my vision board next to my bed so that it’s the last thing and first thing I see every evening and morning. This allows me to keep my intentions front and center as I move through my days.
Word for the Year
For 2023, as I do nearly every year, I selected this word as my word for the year:
To actualize is to make real.
Keep it simple
I like to keep my word and my intentions as simple as possible. Better chance I will be able to follow through, and actualize my intention! I feel better about myself at the end of the year if I had goals/intentions that I could realize. That increase in confidence helps carry me into the new year with deeper hopefulness.
For 2023, I have three areas I will focus on. They are all things I am going to make real, to actualize.
- Publish and launch my book, Extreme Healing: Finding Your Inner Endurance.
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve signed with Mandala Tree Press. Since I’ve last written, I’ve engaged with my publishing coordinator Kim, and she’s given me my first assignments. I am to have them finished by January 27th. I confess, I love, love, love having assignments and due dates!
- Train for and successfully race in Grandma’s Marathon on June 17, 2023.
I took up serious year round running a few years ago and last year, I did five long races. This year, I’m ready to tackle my second ever marathon. More about Grandma’s in a future post! I am super excited to be with Run Minnesota again for the training!

- Save more money and continue effective money management.
As you likely know, we are on the edge of a recession, and financial challenges are up for many of us. For the past two years, I’ve learned lots about money management, gotten myself out of most of my debt, and learned lots about living 100% within my means.
For 2023, I’m meeting every month with a dear friend to talk about investing, budgeting and to support each other in successful money management.
To simplify, my 1 word and 3 areas are:
Actualize: Book, Marathon and Money.
There you have it! What’s your word for 2023? I love hearing from you! Please tell me how you’re feeling about this coming year.
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As always Mari, you find space and time to prioritize what you want to happen for you (and not to you!)! You have proven year over year that vision-boarding and visualizing the goals in your life, work! Congrats again on the book and I’ll be cheering from the sidelines watching you achieve that 2nd marathon goal! And finances—always an ongoing discussion I look forward to! Putting Actualizing to work!
I love your 2023 vision board!! And that you “get it!” Meaning the value of taking a moment to reflect and envision the year to come!!! Grateful we are friends!!
Excellent Mari, you are a living example of the value of deliberate practice. The everyday goal of commitment to the process.
I know you value the process of good reflection in order to make adjustments!!
So glad you are one of my running friends!!