Reflection on 2018

It’s the end of 2018, the perfect time to reflect on the accomplishments of the year. My amazing friend Linda introduced the idea of taking time to list all accomplishments for that year, a year ago. I was pleased to see the list of all that I had done in 2017. Once again, it was incredible to review my goals for 2018, and see what I had done! I suggest you try it too! Let me know what you discover!

Here is my list of goals in a blog post in January 2018. Here in this post, I highlight and add everything I accomplished.

I want to focus on what I did, not on my failings and what I did NOT accomplish. Like many of us, I am really good at getting down on myself. I’ve learned that spending more than about 10 minutes on my failings does me literally no good.


  • Start dating! Go on one fun date per month – I did this every month except for November, but considering that in at least 5 months I went on two dates, I can delightfully say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! It’s true, none of the dates resulted in a keeper. That’s okay. I am still hopeful!
  • Update my OKC profile – I did this right away and it was a profile that got wonderful traction. I just wish I was more inclined to online dating.
  • Get another dog – YES!! On August 5th, dear sweet Sammy boy came into my life! And he is a fabulous treasure, he keeps my heart open, a smile on my face, and he keeps me moving!! We go to the off leash dog park 2-3 times every single week!
  • Related to dear Sam, I cooked for him, yes, I even cooked meat for him, despite not eating meat myself, for the almost two months it took us to figure out his gastric distress. Turns out Sam is allergic to eggs. Glad we found a dog food kibble that has no eggs in it. Cooking for a dog is no easy thing to navigate! (SO glad I don’t have kids! For all of you that do, good work feeding them!)
  • Keep up with old friends + make new friends – I did a good job on this one!!! Driving out to Colorado to see so many old friends: Delinda, Linda, Amber, Joan, Carla and Leisl was WONDERFUL!!


  • Train and do the YWCA triathlon with Brooke and friends – YES! This triathlon is SO fun!!! I had an amazing time! Here’s my Race Report!
Looking Sharp before we raced on August 12, 2018
  • Train and ride 45 – 60 mile Tour de Cure Twin Cities + Raise $1000 – Due to my broken ankle healing just in time, I rode the 27 miles and I raised more than $2,000. It is always a delight to ride the Tour de Cure!! Big thank you to all who donated. Darn diabetes, it’s relentless.
  • Plant + grow kale and other yummy veggies – YES! I do love gardening! My kale, radishes, carrots and tomatoes did well this year!
  • Keep cooking and eating clean and healthy – YES! I did a great job with keeping up with new recipes and clean eating!
  • In addition, I successfully navigated breaking my ankle and foot yet again, as I did two years ago. It healed with no surgery needed. Whew.
  • Plus, I had surgery on my right hand, trigger finger surgery. AND, on December 31st, I’m having two more trigger fingers operated on! I am visualizing healing!
  • To maintain my good health, I wrote in my Gratitude Journal EVERY SINGLE EVENING! And I meditated for at least 10 minutes, often longer, every day!!
  • And, as I will do in early 2019, I hosted a Vision Board Gathering! Gathering in community to make a vision board is such fun and even a tiny bit spiritual!
  • Finally, I am pleased to report that I went to the Saint Paul Gym a minimum of 8 times every month, even when I was on the knee scooter with my broken ankle!


  • Find a great editor – YES! I found Kitty and she did a wonderful job of editing and helping me refocus my book.
  • Blog 1 – 3 times a month on my website – I took a blog course with writer Jeff Goins and starting in March, I got going with writing a blog post AND emailing my list every week. In 2018, I successfully posted 38 blogs!!
  • Plus, I started a new writing group with a small group of wonderful, dedicated writers!


  • Continue organizing Day MSP – YES! And this year, we were at 3 tattoo shops and 14 women got beautiful tattoos over their mastectomy scars. A HUGE SUCCESS!
  • Continue leading Lean In Together MSP
    • CORE Work Group – YES! Every month at least 3 of us meet. Included in this, we weathered a difficult storm of anger and misunderstanding. I got very triggered by what happened, and I reached out and got wonderful support processing it all.
    • Social Media/Website Work Group – This group took a hit, but we held strong and we are rebuilding. Feels good.
    • Peer Coaching Circle at UMN – YES! It was a big success! Then, with Linda, we started another Peer Coaching Circle. Such an incredible way to get support to accomplish ambitious goals.
  • Go to Panama – YES! I went and got to see Charlie Kersey and his daughters. Realized running a program in Panama is not best done by me. Luckily, the professor I suggested got hired and now they have a wonderful person to lead the program!


  • Save $3000. – YES! I did this! Feels awesome!
  • Also, I am very pleased to report, that for 2018, I lived within my means the whole year.

In closing, my biggest lesson of 2018, was that slowing down in moments of stress and conflict really does help. When slowing down, it is wise to think about my feet and my connection to the Earth and to all of life here on the planet.

Thanks for reading this reflection blog! I feel really good about 2018. I navigated lots, not all of it easy, and made it to the end of the year with joy and love and a good sense of accomplishment.

I hope your 2018 was a good year!

And best of all, here’s to 2019!!

8 thoughts on “Reflection on 2018”

    • Wonderful to hear from you Andreas!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence!! Means a lot! May your 2019 be fabulous too!

  1. Hello Mari! In another context, I listed all the best things that happened to me in 2018. It now strikes me as somewhat passive, yet it was a great list.I hated setting goals for a long time – not sure why – but now your blog gives me a different take. What will my goals for 2019 be?

    • Cathy,
      Great to hear from you! Yes, writing a list of all you’ve accomplished in a year can be passive. AND at the same time, affirming! That’s how I use the list!!
      Good luck with your goals/aspirations for 2019! I look forward to hearing what comes of your list!!!

  2. Love love love your Sammy boy!

    I choose a word for my year. For 2018, it was perseverance. Looking back, I see so much need for it! Changing from pump to MDI in the new year, a scope of my knee in February, getting ready for knee replacement surgery with 17 days notice, and of course, the surgery and recovery. My mom’s house finally sold after 3 years. Kind of bittersweet as I finally have to realize she’s not there.

    There’s so much more. I will definitely take time to reflect on that. I had no idea what kind of perseverance I would need this year but I made it! As for 2019, I am not sure what my word is yet. But when I do get, I know it will have a big part of making me who I am

    • I love the idea of a word for the year! Many do this cool practice. I just love words so much, that one word is too few for me!! I love that it works for you! And wow, you did indeed persevere in 2018 Cathy!!!
      I look forward to hearing what your word will be for 2019!

  3. Wow Mari! This is VERY inspiring. You’ve motivated me to start a list for the New Year…something I have not successfully done in the past. My big theme for the coming year is: present moment awareness.

    Sending you tons of love!

    Sat Nam,
    Siri Karam

    • Siri Karam,
      I’m so glad you were inspired by this post!!! It’s really powerful to make the list of all you’ve accomplished in the past year, I was incredibly moved to list all the small things and to see the whole list. The irony is that making that big list helped me realize that I am not actually the sum of my accomplishments, and that I am a worthy human simply because I exist. It reminds me to just BE!!!! Creating the list of my accomplishments helps me be in the present! Yes, ironic!!
      Sat Nam dear Siri Karam!!
      Love for the good work you do in the world,

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