Happy 2020 to everyone! How’s the new year treating you so far? I love the new year time of year. In part because I’m such a goal oriented person and this is the time of year it is cool and hip to talk about goals and aspirations!! Suddenly it’s a-okay to share goals and talk about intentions.
I’ve been working hard on narrowing down my goals for this year. I did come up with my one word for the year. This is my first year of choosing a word, sometimes I’m slow to get on the bandwagon. My word for 2020 is:
This word and this way of being in the world is what I intend to embody all 366 days (it’s a Leap Year this year) of 2020. I like the feel of this word. I like that DANCE is part of it. Movement and flow and dance, as all that I need and more will come to me in 2020.
As I embrace abundance, one of my goals is to continue to eat clean and super healthy. My goal is to cook every weekend for the week and to eat as little processed food as is possible for me to do. I plan to cook at least 2 new recipes every month, as I have done for the past 10 years.
Before my recent trip to Los Angeles, I found a new to me, amazing website of outstandingly yummy mostly vegan and mostly gluten free recipes. When I went to their website, their free give away for giving them my email was to get a downloadable packet of 20 of their most loved and highly rated recipes. I have already made 4 of the recipes, plus I made one that they emailed to me.
I give the Minimalist Baker a score of 10 out of 10!!
With the Minimalist Baker I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot of good food! Here’s what they say about themselves:
Minimalist Baker is a place for recipes requiring 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minutes or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome.
I’ve made their vegan biscuits, for which I substituted Bob’s gluten free flour for the unbleached all purpose flour the recipe called for. YUM!

While in California at my friend Jill’s house, I made Garlicky Kale with Crispy Chickpeas and 1-Pot Red Lentil Chili. Jill and her mom Joan, who both eat super healthy and clean, loved both these recipes! So much, they hoped I would extend my visit so I could keep cooking for them!!

I’ve been home a few days and already I re-made the Garlicky Kale with Crispy Chickpeas and I made the Creamy Curried Cauliflower Lentil soup. BIG TIME YUM!! And really, these recipes are one pot and they don’t take very long to make.
If you’ve set a goal for yourself to be super healthy in 2020 and what you eat is part of that goal, I strongly encourage you to check out Minimalist Baker and see what you can find that you like too!!
See you next week, when I will talk more about my big time goals for 2020!!
In the meantime, have YOU picked a word for 2020? If so, I’d love to hear it! Please tell me your word right here in the comments. Let’s inspire and motivate each other!
Blessings and love, Mari who is on her way to the kitchen to cook some more 1 pot meals as she welcomes in abundance!
My word for 2020 is ‘building’. I am building a new career, I am building my endurance, I am building my community.
Best wishes for Abundance!
That’s an awesome word!! I love all that you are BUILDING in 2020!! I wish you the very best as you build!!
I LOVE Minimalist Baker! Her recipes are easy, quick, and delicious.
My word for 2020 is LEARN. My goal is to (finally) get my pilot’s license in Q1, then get my ground instructor certificate so I can start sharing what I’ve learned and influence other women to join aviation. Part of learning is also listening to others and what they need. It’s going to be a great year!
I love your word!! And very cool that you too know Dana from Minimalist Baker. So happy you’ll join in again for our Vision Boarding gathering!! I plan to put my word for 2020 on my board.
Rock on aviation woman!
So kind! Thanks, Mari!!
It is an absolute joy to promote your amazing work on Minimalist Baker!!! I wasn’t kidding that finding you and your website was like hitting the jackpot of healthy cooking goodness! I am super excited to keep exploring your amazing recipes!!
With gratitude!
I had found your website separately but am a friend and reader of Mari’s. It’s seriously helped me to find recipes for friends with food sensitivities. They are so happy to have delicious things they can eat. Thank you! Val ❤️
I am so happy you too found Dana and Minimalist Baker!!! Such fantastic recipes and super easy to make!! YEAH!!