Do You Know a Book Agent?

Can you list your limiting beliefs? Another name would be, your fears. The things you notice that you keep running in to, over and over again.

I’ve been turning and looking my fears and limiting beliefs straight in the face. I have no illusions that I will banish my fears and limiting beliefs 100%. I do have confidence that by first acknowledging these limiting beliefs and fears, the grip they have on me will ease. I am working on fully letting them go. I’m finally tired of cowering. Of wondering if I’m good enough. Of feeling isolated.

I’m an oldest child, and early on, I learned that it was my job to ignore my needs and to focus on the needs of the people around me. It was a lesson that drilled it’s way deep into my being. Can you relate?

One of my fears and limiting beliefs is asking for help. It’s one of the biggest things I faced both times I dealt with cancer. I couldn’t handle cancer by myself. I needed the support and assistance of many people. The assistance was freely given, and that made it easier to accept. Nonetheless, I didn’t get very good at asking for help directly.

Right now, I am taking a deep breath, feeling my feet solidly on the ground and I am opening my heart. Here goes.

I need help. Maybe you or someone you know could help me. I need to find a high-level book agent who will pitch my book to a publishing house. Will you help me?

computer-313840_1920In case you hadn’t heard, I am writing a book. The working title is Find Your Inner Athlete: Don’t Let Your Age, Your Weight or Your Health Hold You Back. I do not want to self-publish the book. I have a couple of publishing houses I would like to approach. To pitch my book to these particular publishing houses, one needs an agent.

I’ve approached a few agents. So far, no luck. I have a few more I will approach. Today I was at a conference and they asked us to identify ONE BIG GOAL. I set my goal to find a book agent by November 1st.

We then outlined ways we can meet our goal. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I have a big network of people I know. I love to help people connect with each other. I give lots of help freely, especially when it comes to connecting people with people who will be a great connection and resource for them. I can ask my network for help finding an agent!!

Thus, here I am, asking you.

Do you know an agent? Do they rep non-fiction, how-to, health/sports related books? The purpose of my book is to teach people with age, weight and/or health challenges, how to become an endurance athlete.

If you know someone that I should or could talk to about becoming my book agent, or someone who could direct me to a book agent, please take a moment and on the Contact Page, please drop me a note.


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