Reflection on My Goals for 2015

goal-976853_1920I like goals. I pretty much always have. I like setting goals and I even like reflecting on my progress on my goals. I also like time markers. Meaning, now that it’s almost the end of 2015, we are at a juncture. It’s time to reflect on my 2015 goals.

I also like lists. I make a list almost every day. I enjoy crossing things off as I accomplish the task. The thing I’ve learned in my years of list making is that in reality I can only get 5 things done in a day. And of the goals I set for the year, I can successfully accomplish a grand total of three. I tend to be a bit of an over-achiever. In a given day, I usually write down about 15 things I hope to accomplish. For 2015, I had a whopping 7 goals.

In reflection, of the 7 goals, here are 2 that I fully accomplished and 2 that I partially accomplished. And finally, here are 3 that I didn’t do at all. How did you do on your goals for 2015? Let me know in the Comments!!

Fully Accomplished:

#1 – Make new friends! This goal was a massive success!

I joined Lean In and started a Small Circle. I attended all the Large Circles, including presenting on Giving Feedback, at the first one I attended in February. The women in my small circle are amazing. And my life has expanded and become more meaningful and deeper as a result.

I also deepened my friendships with several women I’ve known for more than 25 years. I’ve made a concerted effort to be present, attentive, helpful and thoughtful.

I have virtually no contact with my biological family, so my friendships, my chosen family, matter to me in the way that family matters to many people.

#2 – Update my website. Another massive success!

I learned Canva and redid the header of this website. I updated many of the pages. I blogged regularly! I learned how to create a pop-up/opt-in, and I created several free giveaways! When you give me your email, I give you something in return!!! Thank you! I love win-win situations!! To get a free giveaway, go here! It’s a Self-Care Guide!!

Partially Accomplished:

typewriter-863635_1920#1 – Finish my book.

Turns out finding an agent was harder than I realized. I found an agent! And I’ve made considerable progress on the book. I helped start a writing group with 2 amazing women. We meet every other week and having a writing group has made a considerable positive impact on my progress.

#2 – Get more emails on my list.

Having a vibrant platform is essential in convincing a publishing house to publish a book, my book. A platform means have a website that people visit often and having a big email list. I finally figured out a few things to give away in exchange for an email! And I finally figured out how to create a good pop-up! I am using SumoMe. I highly recommend it! And, if you are someone who’s given me your email, THANK YOU!!!!

The goals I didn’t accomplish in 2015:

#1 – Get a part time job I like.

I did get a short-term instructor position at the University of Minnesota, and it went amazingly well. They want me back. I also helped build a website for a long-term client. I also helped build the new Lean In Together Minneapolis-St. Paul website. I never imagined I would help people build websites, but now I am. This week I’m talking to another woman about helping her build one.

I did apply for a couple of positions. They didn’t work out. And in retrospect, I wasn’t ready. I still am not ready. Entrepreneurship is in my blood. I will continue to substitute at several wonderful charter schools and piece together a hodge podge of other paying projects. I am economically in the extremely low income/poverty category, and strangely, I am more calm, more healthy, more centered than I have perhaps ever been. Not strange at all, I am also more frugal, more cautious about spending, and more grateful for the generosity of friends and the Universe than ever.

#2 – Write a business plan for speaking.

I did do a few more speaking engagements, several for pay! I know that speaking is something I am good at and it is one of the things I am called to do. Speaking is another way to teach. Teaching and writing are two of my strongest callings and gifts. I did gather lots of materials to create a business plan for speaking. This goal is being temporarily shelved. I will be back to it.

#3 – Do an Olympic distance triathlon.

Nope. I had no place to swim inside. Or at least I didn’t prioritize spending money to swim. I did ride my bike lots and I did enter a number of 5K races. I will be back to triathlons. I’m just not sure when.

So that was my year in terms of goals. Again, how did you do? Please let me know in the Comments. 

Lots of other things happened too. One big one was my father dying, and having the opportunity to go to his deathbed and forgive him and hear his apology. Day Minneapolis was a major success, and I deepened my connections to the women who got tattoos in 2014.

Another one was attending the program and then facilitator training for Renewing Life. During the extended process of this, I was able to forgive other members of my family, and forgive myself for the many mistakes I’ve made.

The big realization about goals and the New Year, is have less goals. In my case, no more than 3, tops. This way, there will be space for all the unexpected, unimagined, beautiful surprises to occur!!





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4 thoughts on “Reflection on My Goals for 2015”

  1. Hi Mari,
    I really enjoyed reading this. I’m also impressed by how much you did in 2015, especially since I know you put your whole heart into everything you do! This website looks great btw, and I was thinking, “I wish I had a business so I could hire her to do my website.” I’m inspired by your capacity to learn new things (especially technical things,) your ability to self-assess, and your honesty. Thanks for sharing your beautiful self with us!

    • Ara Jo,
      I greatly appreciate your comment. And thanks for the vote of confidence for what I did accomplish in 2015!!
      With love,

  2. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2016! I think that you are a teacher at heart and you always sound excited when helping train teens or adults to bike or in general move towards their goals. I didn’t know that you were involved in website design.

    I am also a list maker:-) I buy 5×7 notepads at Costco and cover the kitchen table with various lists and reminder notes.

    • Hi Laddie!!
      I’m working on my goals for 2016!!! Thanks for your encouraging support. I sure appreciate it. I have just launched into website design, although I am not a programmer or a graphic designer. I just know WordPress really well!!

      I love it that you too are a list maker! I keep my lists in a notebook, that way I never lose my lists! 5×7 notepads sounds awesome!
      Happy New Year!!

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