Embrace aging and the glorious delight of a jade facial roller

Jade roller delight on an aging face!

Recently, after a bike ride and swim workout, I took a shower and took a moment to examine my face in the mirror. I am 55 years old. I wear zero make up most days. I use low cost facial lotion. I get a facial about once every five years. In short, I don’t do much to enhance my skin or my appearance. The past year or so, I have started to notice an increase in wrinkles and lines on my face. 

I remember being a young girl and talking to my father’s mother, Grandma Edna. Grandma Edna talked about getting wrinkly hands and lines in her face. She was not particularly happy about the aging process. She didn’t like her wrinkly hands and she wished her face was smooth. I remember thinking that she was beautiful. Edna was a hard worker and I liked her hands and I thought her wrinkles made her look wise and kind. 

My young self tried to convey my love and appreciation of Grandma Edna’s beauty. I’m not sure I was successful. Edna died when she was in her late 80’s and in my opinion she lived a good life.

I thought of Edna’s dislike of her wrinkles and lines as I studied my face in the mirror. I sent a message to my aging face from my inner young girl self, “Mari, your wrinkles and lines make you look wise and kind.” Internal talking to myself with kindness really does work! 

Earlier that same day I had gone to Target for a few items and one of the items I purchased was a Mei Apothecary Jade Facial Roller beauty tool. This was a bit of a splurge purchase. Luckily it cost only $20 so not a big splurge. I had listened to another Brene Brown podcast where she interviewed Austin Channing Brown about Austin’s book:  I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. It’s an excellent conversation, worth tuning in for!

Toward the end of the podcast, Brene asked Austin one thing she’s doing that brings her joy during this pandemic. Austin said she’s using her jade roller every day. Brene then joined Austin in gushing about how much they both love using their jade rollers, for relaxation, to relieve facial puffiness and for facial detoxification. 

I was immediately intrigued. I am a bit behind the beauty times and I had never heard of jade rolling. Of course I googled it and I knew I needed to give it a try! I’ve had my jade roller for one week and I’ve used it every day. I have gotten on the jade roller bandwagon. I love how calm and relaxed it makes me feel. 

I am not sure if jade rolling is going to slow down my facial lines, wrinkling and general aging process, but the feeling of getting a daily facial is delightful and worth the 5 minutes every evening before sleeping! Here’s a Glamour article describing what jade rollers do

Have you ever used a jade roller? If so, please let me know what you think of this tool! 

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3 thoughts on “Embrace aging and the glorious delight of a jade facial roller”

  1. I need to look for this tool! I love facials but like you, I get them done rarely. I don’t wear makeup either. Not so concerned about wrinkles but as I edge closer to 50 (I will be 49 in Sept), I see more! This sounds a nice way to get a facial and much cheaper!

    • Cathy,
      I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my little jade roller!!! It’s fabulous! I bet you’ll find one easily and for sure let me know how you like it!!

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