I like to create magic on my solar return. Meaning, since I celebrate my birthday on May 12th and the weather is generally good wherever I am living, I like to be outside in the woods by flowing water soaking up the calm and joy of Mother Earth. In 2022 I made that happen. The day was magical!
Start the day running

I started off the day bright and early at 5:30am by having breakfast and taking Sam for a quick walk. Then I ran the .7 miles to the outdoor high school track and met up with the YWCA Endurance Run group that I do a track workout with every Thursday. Coach Laurie Ladd Goudreault had everyone sing me happy birthday! I confess, my inner child really liked that!
By the time I ran home, I had done a solid 4.7 miles of running. That felt like an excellent way to start my 57th circle around the sun.
Things just kept getting better. My dearest BFF Ara, who I’ve been friends with since I was 23, texted and called me. Always excellent to share stories, wisdom and insights with Ara. Then almost as I hung up with Ara, another dear friend Tammy called and she sang happy birthday and wished me well. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to take in the love.
Feel emotions in the body
You’d think that would be easy to do. Turns out if you’re someone who’s survived a traumatic childhood it’s difficult to believe that love can be offered freely. In fact, for the past few years I’ve been working with focus and intention with my therapist to pay close attention to the love and belonging that does come my way. In fact, to not just intellectually notice it, but to actually feel it in my body. It’s new for me to feel love in my body. Most often I sense an opening and freeing in the heart area of my body. Tuning into this sensation often brings tears of joy and gratitude to my eyes. Realizing that I am safe in my body at this point in my life and feeling my emotions in my being is miraculous.
Dog park delight
The daffodils are finally out!
After my phone calls, I packed up a few items and got Sam and we headed to the Minnehaha Dog Park that is a 7 acre dog park in the forest along the Mississippi River. Sam loves being off leash and he adores being able to dunk and dive and swim to his heart’s content. Watching him race around, grab sticks, chew on big logs and generally scamper up and down makes me laugh and feel delight down to my toes. I hiked another 2 miles and I spread out my towel and did some sky daydreaming. Puffy white clouds danced in the blue sky, reminding me to take it all in and enjoy the day.

Facebook fun
When we got home I had a salad jar for lunch, sitting outside enjoying the warm spring day. It felt so good to eat outside. While I ate I checked Facebook. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Facebook and social media, but the one day I appreciate it is on my birthday. The birthday wishes feel good. I read every single one and imagine the person who wrote it and how I know them and how we connected. It’s a heartwarming, connecting sort of reflection. Again, I focus on feeling the well-wishes and good vibes.
The evening of my birthday, I’m having an outside dinner at a nearby vegan restaurant called Reverie. I love that I can walk there! And given that covid has not given up and I intend to not get it, I’m glad my friends and I can eat outside.
Dancing and laughter
I’m having a birthday gathering tomorrow evening, tonight by the time this blog is published, with my athlete friends outside at Monica’s house. The gathering will be filled with laughter, good storytelling and likely even a bit of dancing! Perfect way to cap off birthday magic.
Given that I don’t have a boyfriend or husband and I don’t have any children and I don’t have contact with my biological family, it means the world that my friends reach out to remind me that I am connected, that I belong and that my existence is valuable. Birthday magic happened all day long!
Thank you for being part of my community and circle! I sure appreciate you!
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Way to share your joy. You put a big smile on my face with this recap. Well done as usual.
You incredibly kind email to me on my birthday eve along with the fantastic flower images you posted to help me celebrate my birthday all added to the birthday joy this year Linda! Profoundly grateful for our friendship!!!