Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
I’m glad you are ready to call yourself an athlete! I care deeply about aspiring endurance athletes, that’s YOU! I know how hard it is to get active and stay active. I know how intimidating it is to claim the title ATHLETE. I believe in you!
The way I did it was to seek experts, read everything I could get my hands on, and find friends to support my efforts. I wish I knew me now when I was first starting out. I am here for you. This website is for you. The blog has lots of motivation, ideas for success and resources that will help. Please check it out. Leave a comment, and stay in touch.
I blog every week about health, wellness and fitness, and I send out email notices about what I am blogging about. Please sign up, so we can stay connected!
I am passionate about health, wellness and fitness. I have spoken to hundreds of audiences about how to find your Inner Athlete, how to look the fear that comes with a chronic health condition in the face, and how to get off the couch and get into movement and joy!
I have lived with type 1 diabetes since 1 was 16 years old. I found out when I was 39, just a few months after I completed a 400 mile bike ride across the state of Colorado, that I had Stage 2A breast cancer, for the first time. Six years later, when I was 45, I found another lump in my breast and it was indeed breast cancer, again. This time, I had a unilateral mastectomy and I gave up all meat, dairy and gluten. I continue to follow this diet, and I feel better than ever!
Along with my friends and colleagues Marcey & Sandria, I founded the Red Rider Recognition Program and Team Red in 2007, which is used at many of the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure cycling events. In 2015, over 10,000 people with diabetes wore the Red Rider cycling jersey and were celebrated for living well with type 2 or type 1 diabetes. I was the Director of TeamWILD Athletics LLC for almost six years, where we provided integrated training plans and a summer camp in triathlon, cycling and running for people with diabetes.
I now spend my time helping people find their passion, get physically fit and I help undergrads at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities get internships and make sense of the internships they have. In addition, I help people spiff up their LinkedIn profiles! I ride every year at the Minnesota Tour de Cure cycling event. And, I am the Minneapolis, Minnesota Day Local Leader. Personal Ink, is a day where tattoo artists donate their skills to breast cancer survivors, so they can get beautiful tattoo art on their mastectomy scars.
I also support businesses and small non-profits with meeting facilitation and I design and present workshops on giving feedback, doing excellent self-care, and goal setting.
I also do athletic training, and I’ve completed several 100-mile bike riding events in recent years. Remember, if I can do it, so can you! You can get active and find your inner athlete!!
Currently I am writing my second book. It’s about how to find your inner athlete, despite age, weight or health challenges! The book is done and now I’m in the editing stage. It’s coming soon! Yet another good reason to get on my email list. You’ll be among the first to know when the book is published!
I have been an innovative educator for over 20 years. I’ve been a teacher, high school administrator and principal and then I was an education coach for teachers, principals and education and small nonprofit leaders. This means, I’ve learned how to help people learn new behaviors! Including, how to be an endurance athlete.
You can learn more about me on my LinkedIn profile. And yes, I have a fun side gig coaching people on how to make your LinkedIn profile sing. If your LinkedIn profile needs some love, be sure to reach out!
Here I am speaking at the National Volunteers Conference of the American Diabetes Association:

And please sign up to stay connected!
I use the following gear. At this time, I am not (yet) sponsored by any of these companies. I receive nothing for telling you about my gear. Everything I use, I LOVE!! And I believe in all of it, very much!
Just click on the blue name of any item and it will take you to their website, where you can learn more! You can also email me (via the Contact Page) any questions you might have! I love to hear from you!
Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitor
One Touch blood glucose meters
Specialized Allez Race Rival bike, size 54, color: matte black
Specialized Trivent Expert triathlon/bike shoes
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 running shoes