Tools to Help You Never Give Up During The Holidays

Mari & Alex at Relay for Life 2016
Mari & Alex at Relay for Life 2016

I met Alexis Acker-Halbur when I was 16 years old and she was the Counselor-In-Training (CIT) coordinator at Camp Needlepoint, a Minnesota/Wisconsin summer camp for kids and teens with type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in June 1981, one month after I turned 16 years old. I took the bus out to the American Diabetes Association in March of 1982 to find out more about Camp Needlepoint. That was the day I met Alex.

We’ve been friends ever since. I became a CIT that August at Camp Needlepoint, yup, that was in the summer of 1982, thirty four years ago! In those 34 years, both Alex and I have survived cancer twice. We both have type 1 diabetes. We both have done deep healing work on ourselves, as a result of being sexual abuse survivors.

When I moved back to Minnesota in the fall of 2012, Alex was someone I looked up and reconnected with right away. Alex is a three time published author, and she needed assistance getting her website up and active. Turns out setting up and running a Word Press website is a talent I have, so I helped her out.

E-Books for You!

Now it’s holiday survival time and I am excited to tell you about four e-books Alex has created and is selling for very reasonable prices on her hip and cool website! Please check them out. I promise, you will like what Alex has to say!

As Alex often says, “Never Give Up!”

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