Poem of Magic: Cancer #Previvor Finds Her People

michelleNote from Mari: This is a blog post written by Michelle Scharber Banks. Michelle was a volunteer at P.ink Day MSP 2015 and again for 2016. In addition, she got her transformative, healing tattoo this year.

Here is Michelle’s beautiful story & a poem she wrote, in her own words:

After the Tattoo

I’ve been sitting with my tattoo for over a week now.  I have so many feelings and expressions from it.  I suppose, as I go on in life, they’ll change, but I thought it only fitting for you to know the magic of receiving this tattoo from P.ink Day.

44-amyanderson-255a7504I didn’t have an advocate while going through my mastectomy, I’m a previvor.  So most of my information about what to expect, my choices, my outcomes…were from online information I sought out.  Maybe all this would have been different with one of those cancer/mastectomy advocates that most women are offered.

Perfect Breasts, will I get them?

I think I expected perfect breasts once done.  After all, I was having this horrible surgery to preemptively save my life, there had to be a perk from it, right?  I chose to use my own tissue for reconstruction because I wanted my new breasts to look real. But the reality is I didn’t get perfect breasts.  I got uneven breasts with lots of scars and nipples that failed the first time and only half-assed it the second.  I was unhappy and didn’t know where to turn.

The Power of Volunteering

When I volunteered in 2015 with Mari and team at the Minneapolis P.Ink Day, I found my home. I realized from those lovely ladies that no one is perfect. I can spend the rest of my life on trying to get them perfect, or I can accept what I have and go on with my life. It was like an epiphany. I cried going home that day and applied for a tattoo the following day.

28-amyanderson-255a7201This year, I volunteered and was selected for a tattoo. I felt strongly that volunteering is a big part of this day and needed to continue to do so.

Time for My Tattoo

The day of the tattoo I was anxious, excited and a bit scared. My tattoo is big.  But each part has meaning and it’s important to me to use this to tell my story, my journey. I sat for 7 1/2 hours with Matt Kolling at Twilight Tattoo getting that ink.

Mari and the volunteers and the other recipients all came over at some point to encourage me. I went home happy, but exhausted. 

Here is a poem I wrote to commemorate the day.

Healing Poem



I no longer cover up my chest immediately.

I no longer avoid mirrors.

I’m no longer afraid to look at my breasts.

I feel like I’m walking art!

I can look down and see the tattoo and smile any time of day.

Even though there are still scars showing, I DON’T SEE THEM.  I see beauty.

I feel like I’m further along in healing from my mastectomy and the issues associated with it.

I love telling people about my tattoo and who did it and referring them to Matt.

I’m reminded daily that I am beautiful.

I’m reminded that I chose this tattoo.

I’m happier with my body and self image.

This magic gift is so precious.  It’s my forever gift from P.ink and I can’t thank you enough.  I plan to do everything I can to give back and help other women like me receive this gift and have them share how their life changed.

Thank you.


Please leave Michelle a note of support and encouragement. Let her know what you think of her new, healing, beautiful art on her chest!!

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7 thoughts on “Poem of Magic: Cancer #Previvor Finds Her People”

  1. Beautifully said my warrior survivor/previvor sister! You are beautiful! Looking forward to having you on the volunteer team again next year!

  2. Good for you! I think that this program is so wonderful. And that was before my wife was chosen to get her tattoo. She goes in 2 days, and we are both so excited!!!

    I’m sure that in some way or another we will be involved for coming events.

  3. This is a wonderful story. One of many from P.ink Day. The artist’s are angels. They are the compassion so sorely needed throughout this hellish time. Much love to all of you! God bless you all.

  4. Exactly! I got a tattoo at P.ink Day a couple weeks ago and I feel exactly the same. It has been 6 years since my breast surgeries, and I didn’t realize until the tattoo how much I’ve disliked and hidden the way I look. But now I want to show everyone my boobs!!!

  5. Michelle, I love your poem and post! I was a recipient of a tattoo at P.ink Day Los Angeles 2015 and local leader of P.ink Day Los Angeles 2016. Your poem perfectly explains how I feel about the process and resulting tattoo. I’m so happy for you! Much love, Sherri Rosenthal

  6. Beatiful words from an amazingly beautiful person — I am blessed you are my friend and continue to pray for your strength and peace! You embody the word “survive”!

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