Have you forgotten how to dream?

At the last ever Jeff Goins Tribe Conference last weekend in Franklin, Tennessee, one of the speakers asked us if we remembered how to dream. The speaker was Cliff Ravenscraft, and for many years Cliff was known as the Podcast Answer Man. His opening was:

All human behavior is driven by belief.

All beliefs have consequences.

Hearing Cliff say this was an excellent reminder. I forget how much my subconscious beliefs are impacting me EVERY SINGLE DAY. Does this happen to you? Maybe you can relate.

Ironically, Cliff first learned this from T. Harv Eker when he attended a Millionaire Mind Intensive weekend. I attended one of those same intensives in 2009 and because of that experience, I joined the Ultimate Internet Bootcamp which led to creating my first ever WordPress website where I hosted my business, TeamWILD Athletics LLC. That’s another long and winding story for another day.

Cliff asked us if we remembered how to dream. This was a question that totally caught me off guard. Upon reflection, I realized I haven’t let myself dream in quite a few years.

Surviving my suicide attempts, healing from the subsequent brain injury, figuring out how to earn a living again, becoming estranged from practically my entire family, filing bankruptcy – all of that took my energy, leaving virtually nothing for dreaming.

Cliff suggested a dreaming exercise. Here it is for YOU!!!


STEP 1: Take a piece of paper and on one side number it 1 to 25. On the other side number it 26 to 50. Then spend some time letting yourself write down 50 dreams you have for yourself.

Take a bit of time to let your inner child and your wise, dreamer parts have a voice.

Write each of your dreams down, one per line. Keep going until you have 50 dreams listed.

STEP 2: Now re-read your list. Pick 10 of your dreams for your TOP 10 list.

STEP 3: Re-read your list of 10 dreams and select your TOP 3 dreams.

STEP 4: Next, from your list of 3, pick your current TOP ONE dream. Then write a few action steps to make this dream a goal. 

Are you wondering how dreaming relates to your beliefs? Well, I was wondering this too. Cliff didn’t explain this exactly. So I did some thinking on this. For myself, I realized that I have successfully changed many of my unhelpful beliefs I learned as a child. Connected to the beliefs I hold is my ability to dream. As I wrote down my dreams, many unhelpful beliefs emerged. Cliff also taught us a cool 4 step system for changing our unhelpful beliefs. More on that in a future post.

Of note, a belief is a thought you feel certain is true.

Mari’s Dream List September 2019

I did this dream exercise and WOW, it was super difficult for me to come up with 50 dreams. I came up with about 22 with some ease, then I needed to tune into my inner child self and I asked my wise inner healer to speak up.

I realized I hadn’t asked these parts of myself to tell me what they wanted and hoped for. It felt good and raw to ask for insight from these parts of me. I’m going to make a better effort to consult with these parts more often! They are super smart!!!

I narrowed down and selected my TOP 10. Then I narrowed even further and got my TOP 3. And then it was SUPER clear, my TOP 1 is to polish up my website! I’m excited to join a local MeetUp group and one of my fellow Tribers, Jody Arthur, is a WordPress goddess, and she told me about a really cool plugin and a few fabulous resources to learn more. Keep your eyes peeled for the next 90 days, as this website will look different moving forward!

Please, I encourage you to try this exercise. You are worth it. Your dreams are needed. 

Blessed Be.

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4 thoughts on “Have you forgotten how to dream?”

  1. Loved what I read!

    Wow, really, I can dream too! Then maybe I can act on it? Wow maybe I can make my dreams come true?

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