Birthday love happens every year for you and me!

It’s the eve of my 53rd birthday and I am happy to report that the foot/ankle orthopedic doctor gave me the a-okay today to stop wearing the boot and now I can ride my bike outside and I can walk outside again!!! Luckily I am healing from my fractured ankle and foot. In fact the doctor was impressed with how well I’ve healed so far. I am happy to report that this was one fantastic birthday gift!

Birthdays are not easy days for me. It’s not so much the aging process that is difficult. Rather it’s that I don’t spend any (or at minimum, very very little) time with any of my biological family. I don’t have a husband, or at the moment a boyfriend. And I don’t have children. I’ve never had large groups of friends, so I don’t have a team of pals to hang out with to celebrate. Thus, birthdays can be lonely times.

In recent years, I’ve created meaning and fun by going camping one year. Another year I went on a long, long bike ride on my birthday. Same amount of miles as the years I was celebrating. Then this year, I am healing from a broken ankle, which limits the movement activities I can do. For a few days, I was at a loss for what I could do.

Then a lightening bolt hit me (figuratively) and I realized my editor, Kitty, had given me some excellent feedback on my book. Feedback that I needed some very focused time to process and integrate. I needed writing time. My friend Tony hosts Urban Writing Retreats and he had one scheduled for this weekend. I reached out and through the wonder of Facebook, two local friends expressed interest. As a result, Cathy, Shirlene, Tony and I are spending this weekend writing!!!! ANOTHER amazing birthday present!

Plus, last week was my first week of training for my YWCA Women’s Triathlon!! It was a successful week! I talk about that in my little video here, for you…

In short, the reminder I am drawn to talk about this week is that all of us are interconnected. We all matter. We all belong. Even when we don’t remember and we forget and we feel lonely. In fact, a day ago, I was at Trader Joe’s grocery shopping and I rode up the elevator, me and my huge plastic boot, with the cart gatherer person. He and I had a delightful, heartfelt chat as we rode up the elevator.

Flowers from friends and my new Trader Joe’s pal!

I mentioned that I was soon to get the boot off. He told me some things from his life. We had a lovely connection. As I was checking out, he came up to me with a big bunch of flowers that he gave me. (no charge) He thanked me for listening to him. We hugged. The interaction brought tears to my eyes. He didn’t know it was almost my birthday. It was another spiritual reminder that really moments of connection and belonging happen ALL the time. The key is to be open to moments happening! Are you open? I sure hope so!

Here I am on the eve of turning 53 and I am happy to report that life is miraculous and magical. I hope you are finding lots of love, joy, delight and beauty in your life too.





Like this lovely purple tree that is blooming on my street in Minneapolis, remember you are loved. Whether it’s your birthday or not, keep showing up!!!

With love and exercise joy,



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6 thoughts on “Birthday love happens every year for you and me!”

  1. Happy Birthday Mari. I’m sad that you don’t feel connected to many people who want to celebrate you. I think you are so wonderful. I’d love to find some more time to spend with you.
    My exercise goal is to try to get out more and walk and to get a bicycle and try to do my best to ride again every chance I can. My pain isn’t going to own me anymore. I miss riding and being active so much. You are my inspiration.

    • Thanks for your very kind comment Christin!
      I had a delightful birthday. And yes, growing up in a dysfunctional family is an experience many of us have had. I love your exercise goals!!!! Way to go!

      And yes yes yes, let’s find some time to get together and go for a walk! I’d love to see your new house!

  2. Omg loved your video! I just think you are adorable AND badass! Seeing you ride, I think “I could get my bike out and pump up the tires. Look at Mari–she has a broken leg and is on her bike!” Thanks for being inspiration for so many of us. Happy Birthday Mari!!

    • Thank you dear Ara!!!!
      Your comment made my day! And yes, biking is an excellent cross-training activity when you do a run training plan like you’re doing!!!
      I had fun making that little video!

  3. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! May all your heart’s desires be with you this year!

    I have a fitness goal, but it is a slowly ramping up one. I will be hiking the Camino in Spain in Fall 2020. It’s a 500 mile spiritual hike across the top of Spain. I have been wanting to do this for almost 15 years and the plans are set. It will take time to save the money and obviously time to train and I’m very excited. Luckily, plenty of time to learn some Spanish as well!

    Again, I wish you a wonderful birthday and a wonderful year. Happy Training!

    Blessings and Gratitude, Heather

    • Heather,
      YOU continually inspire me! So thank you for your kind words! And the Camino, WAY COOL!!! I will follow along as you undertake this wonderful, spiritual challenge! I was a high school Spanish teacher, so yes, do learn some Spanish!!
      Blessings to you as well!

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